Live Big

Living big is the essence of my life. Since birth, I have been the type to live big. One of those kids that every parent loves until they become an unharnessed and confused teenager. The person that doesn’t shy away from a challenge, is always trying to soak up every second of an experience, and to my mother’s dismay lacking a fear of much of anything. Big living individuals love life, experiences, and people. Contrary to what some believe, living big is not throwing all caution to the wind and trying to appease your every whim at a given moment. Living big means you are living in the moment rather than escaping it and staying true to you. True to the principles and intentions that drive you. True to the things that make you who you are. To truly live big you have to live life on life’s terms and learn to find the good.

Sounds easy enough, right? It also sounds appealing enough. Honestly, who doesn’t want to enjoy life? I have seen some miserable people, but not a one of them has wanted to feel misery. So, why are we all not trying to fully experience life? It’s because while life is beautiful, wonderful, thrilling and exciting; it’s also gross and miserable. Let’s be real, everyday cannot be rainbows and unicorns. That is simply not life. Some days you want to throw in the towel and give up. Some days you want to employ wreck less abandon to escape a situation, but you can’t. You just can’t. Life isn’t a relationship you can decide to walk away from because it’s becoming strained. It’s not a job you can leave because it takes too much from you. It’s not a neighborhood you move out of because the view no longer suits your taste. As long as you are a living, breathing human, life will be there. Full of all of it’s harsh lessons and realities. Each individual’s view of the irony, and sometimes cruelty of life, is what distinguishes a person that intends to live big from one that simply lives. It is a life purpose. A way YOU decide to live and think each and every day. I will be absolutely honest when I tell you that this won’t be done perfectly. We do, however, improve as we experience more of our journey.   The more we focus on the good and our passions, the more we will find them in life.

I’m writing this on the first day of a new year as I reflect back on the perplexity of life and another year. This is the truth, if you ask me about 2015 I will tell you that it’s a year I detest. If I could punch 2015 in the face I would….more than once. This year taught me more about myself than ever. This year I have experienced life on a deeper level. Looking back on it makes me anticipate times when I don’t have to dig through so much muck to find the good. While 2015 was clearly not my favorite; I want to say that I have had some of my best times in 2015 too. This year I took more trips, I watched my children experience life to the full, I laughed so hard my abs hurt for days, I enjoyed recreational activities with my friends and family, and this may come as a shocker to you all, had the best trip with my husband ALONE that we had our entire 16 years together. It’s true. He planned out every detail of a second honeymoon as a surprise. And when I say every detail, I mean down to childcare and everything. I just had to pack my bag and get in the truck at the departure time. If you know me, that in itself is a process. This was our anniversary trip in January and just days before he died in July he was telling a friend, “I loved that trip with Autumn. That was our best trip ever. I want to do that trip again everyday.” See, I can’t write 2015 off as all bad. I can say that it has been a year that I experienced life and loss on a profound level. It got real in 2015. In the realness I have discovered more of what fuels me, and my big living intentions. I fully comprehend how short and unpredictable life is. I know what I value and want to surround myself with. My friendships and family relationships are deeper and stronger. I’m better able to weed out the unimportant things and people from my life. Plus, we as a family are learning how resilient we really are. Through all of the sadness and pain I am thankful that my children are learning the value of life and to appreciate it at a young age. I can’t even image how much intentional, big living they will do after learning these lessons so young. This thought gives me goose bumps.

So here is my challenge for all of us. As you contemplate the happenings in 2015, look for the good. Look for the big laughs, the hard cries, and everything in between. Look for the lessons that you’ve learned and the discoveries you’ve made about yourself. And for crying out loud, apply what you’ve learned. Live in the moment and let the small stuff go. Tell the ones you love that you love them. Do at least one thing you’ve always wanted to do. Set goals. Surround yourself with people that you can laugh and cry with. Make the changes that need to be made and appreciate how far you’ve come. Fully experience your life because who knows what tomorrow or even the next minute will bring. Shine on you supernovas. Shine on. 2016….we got this!

This post is dedicated to my big living son and Uncle Rick.  Clearly they get living big.  “We could get nuked any day!”  “If I’m going to get nuked, I want to get nuked with you.”

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Just a few of my big moments of 2015

15 thoughts on “Live Big”

  1. I have learned a lot from you this year, and still need to implement what I have learned from you in my life, I am not a big liver, I am very cautious, protective and angry. If I could gain even a portion of your carefree attitude and “live big” I would be happy with myself. You, my friend, are a good example. Thank you

  2. Autumn you are truly an inspiration I too hated 2015 but after reading your blog realized I got the gift of spending precious moments with my brother of 62 years as he lived his last months on this earth. He went out on his terms defiant and supporting medical marijuana …. He lived without dialysis for 9 months on it maybe there is a lesson there. Then to lose my mother 7 days later the grief and hurt is immense as you well know but she too chose her path and I will forever be blessed with the memory of holding her hand and being with her as she let go of life and was at peace never knowing her son died before her. Love you!

    1. You have had a rough year. I’m glad you can see some positives in all that you’ve been dealing with. Hold on to the memories. They do amazing things for you in the worst of times…as you well know. We have not stopped thinking of you all. Love you!

  3. Very well written! Living big is an art. I am grateful for all the big living moments I have been able to share with Cal, yourself, and the kids. We have made memories that can never be taken away! LIVE STRONG, LIVE RIGHT, NEVER STRAY FROM RIGHTEOUS PRINCIPLES AND LIVE BIG!
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. I’m glad you picked up on what I was throwing down when I said, “Stay true to the principles that fuel you.” We’ll keep living big together and making memories.

  4. This has so much good stuff to it – I just want to squeeze you right now! Honestly my fiery friend, you are a bright supernova that has so much to offer the world now. Living big and seeing the good in some of life’s nasty situations is a quality not very many have. As my Grandfather just recently said to me, life is full of hills and valleys, it’s how we come out of the valleys that speaks to our character and our will to survive. Everyone loves the high when their up on their hill but don’t forget there’s a valley out there. Not too long ago I experienced several deep lows in my own life and fortunately there was light at the end and there were profound teachable moments that came from it. It’s not easy tripping up in your own mess but it’s how you come out on the other side that makes a stronger person. I can not tell you how thankful I am for my family and dear friends that bring a smile to my face everyday and are able to make me laugh like a child. I have always been one and will continue to be one that tells those around me how much I love them. Life can be short lived…don’t sweat the small stuff. You’ve tasked us with some really great challenges! Cheers to 2016!

    Big hugs my friend!


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